
- Mel

"Taking the leap to work with Kailin was one of the best decisions I have ever made in my life. It is challenging to put into words how much she has helped me and given me the tools to help myself on my ED recovery journey."

"I struggled with various eating disorders for over 12 years and saw many different psychologists, nutritionists, and psychiatrists. I tried everything, but I could not overcome certain behaviour patterns, my inner critic, and negative thought patterns.

Kailin brings an entirely different perspective to ED recovery because she has lived experience and knows exactly what it feels like. Kailin is the most loving and welcoming person I have ever worked with. She makes you feel safe and heard. She starts from the very beginning and works on challenging your inner critic and thought patterns, understanding the roots of fat phobia and the impact of societal norms, learning to validate and praise yourself, and practice self-compassion.

I struggled to practice intuitive eating on my own but Kailin helped me so much and I truly feel I am on my way to be a full intuitive eater. Kailin uses various coaching methods in session and provides tons of journal prompts and activities to complete out of session. I’m a more content person after working with Kailin. I now validate and praise myself every day, I eat and wear what I want to because it makes me feel good, and I am aware of my ED inner critic thought patterns and know how to challenge them and work through them with self-compassion.

I cannot recommend Kailin enough; she was put on this earth to do this work and she is incredibly skilled."

- Eden

"I found Kailin at a turning point in my life. I had been struggling with my mental health for a while, and was finally getting to the core of my distress."

"I had a lot of unhealed trauma surrounding disordered eating that I had never thought to address. So much of what I was doing was accepted by my peers and was even seen as "healthy habits." Through Kailin and her boundless wisdom, I began to reprogram that harmful societal conditioning.

She helped me notice my thought patterns/behaviours and gave me tools to work towards unconditional self-love. Without her guidance I wouldn't have been able to find my way down this path to true freedom. I'm so incredibly grateful I found her when I did."

- Chloé

"Working on my eating disorder recovery with Kailin was a very helpful and enriching experience."

"During about 3 months, she accompanied me into deconstructing disordered eating patterns and unlearning many toxic beliefs. Not only did it help me get rid of most of my disordered behaviours, but it also enlightened the underlying reasons behind it.

Thanks to Kailin's unconditional kindness and support, I never felt judged or compelled to do something I didn't want to. She gave me the strength to challenge myself a little more everyday but never put pressure on me. Kailin always made sure to adapt the coaching according to my own journey, to my personality, and to my schedule which was very appreciated. What I enjoyed the most about coaching was that I learned a lot. Thanks to many scientific studies and articles that Kailin shared with me, I learned not only about myself but also about all the external circumstances that led to my ED.

After 3 months of coaching, I feel so much better than when I first started and I am proud to say that I made so much progress over my recovery journey. I'll be forever grateful for all the help Kailin provided me and I would recommend her coaching to anyone who's looking for a kind, big-hearted and listening coach!"

About Me

I provide individualized one-on-one recovery coaching anywhere in the world via Zoom for anyone 18 years and older struggling with disordered eating, self love, or those who want to learn how to listen to their body by using intuitive eating.


Contact Info

  • Canada, North America
  • fitwithkayk@gmail.com
  • Mon-Fri: 9am-5pm

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